Q. Justin, as a former champ, how satisfying was today with a 66, bogey free, in fact you've only made one bogey in two days and you're 5-under par.
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, listen, I'm playing really, really well. I haven't checked out the stats yet, but the putter has been the weak link for me, which is something that's been holding me together for quite some time. Just proves that you can't have it all.
But yeah, listen, I hit a lot more fairways this week than I did last week at the PGA, which is kind of what you have to do on this golf course. Today was tricky enough. There was not a windy day but enough out there where it kept you on your toes, and obviously the golf course is playing in a way where there's enough kind of inconsistency out there where you can catch a few bad lies or the greens are firm in spots and maybe not in others, so there's some stuff going on out there where it can easily catch you out. I was very aware I was putting together a solid round of golf and very happy to turn it in bogey free.
Q. 24 feet, 10 inches away. That's your proximity. That is No. 1 in the field. How do you feel about those results through the first two rounds?
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, that's big progress. I think that's been an area of my game -- that's been hallmark of my career is approach play. That's kind of where I've done most of the damage when I've played well, so it's nice to see that returning. I think I was pretty decent last week at the PGA Championship, as well. So that's nice form. Kind of marry that up a little bit with some good putting and then you can kind of contend in golf tournaments.
Q. How do you feel about the weekend?
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, obviously there's some good scores that have been happening over the first couple of days, but I think the course is tricky. I think it's not going to get any easier; obviously we all know they're digging it up on Monday, so I'd imagine that there's not going to be much water spared over the weekend, so I think the course will get tricky, which should enable a good round of golf to move up quite nicely if we can produce one over the next couple of days or produce two. Yeah, listen, in a good position to make a run.
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